Artificial intelligence for small and medium-sized enterprises -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Artificial intelligence for small and medium-sized enterprises

Interview with Lara Waltersmann, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Department of Sustainable Production and Quality Management


Image: Smiling woman with blond hair - Lara Waltersmann; Copyright: private

Lara Waltersmann

Image: Title page of the study; Copyright: VDI

Title page of the german study.

Image: a robot hand points to a contract that a human hand signs with a pen; Copyright: PantherMedia/Andriy Popov

There is still no strong AI that would be superior to humans.

Products and exhibitors

Graphic with words related to AI; Copyright: PantherMedia / Kheng Ho Toh
Image: Simone Ernst; Copyright: B. Frommann