Artificial intelligence designs advanced materials -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Image: A researcher wearing protective gear works closely with precision equipment in a laboratory setting; Copyright: Thor BalkhedRestriction

Thor BalkhedRestriction

Connection between individual cells and organic electrodes achieved


A research team at Linköping University, in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet, has successfully established a close connection between individual cells and organic electrodes. This could pave the way for highly precise neurological treatments and other medical applications.
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Image: A tiny electronic component encased in glass is held by tweezers; Copyright: SCHOTT AG


Schott AG – 140 years of innovation and success


When Otto Schott, Ernst Abbe and Carl Zeiss founded the Schott & Genossen glass technology laboratory in 1884, none of them dared to dream how the company would develop. Today, Schott AG is one of the most important technology groups for the manufacture of specialty glass and glass-ceramics and one of the most important exhibitors at COMPAMED.
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Image: Various steel medical tools lying on a table; Copyright: Clayton D /

Clayton D /

Steel solutions for medical requirements


Precise and durable materials are of crucial importance in modern medical technology. A key material in this area is steel, which is used in various forms and alloys to meet the strict requirements of medicine.
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Image: Man with black hair and dark-rimmed glasses wearing a light blue top; Copyright: PHOTO COURTESY OF YONGLONG XIE/RICE UNIVERSITY


Rice physicist receives NSF CAREER award to advance quantum technology


Yonglong Xie, Rice University physics assistant professor, receives the NSF CAREER Award, a $888,555 grant, fueling his research on magnons, quantum entities in magnetic materials, to revolutionize quantum technology. Xie's work shapes future quantum devices and sensors.
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Image: Visualization of state qualification in violet and green; Copyright: Fraunhofer IWM

Fraunhofer IWM

Using deep learning to classify steel materials objectively


Researchers at the Fraunhofer IWM, in collaboration with Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, have developed a deep learning model that enables objective assessment of the grain size in steel.
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Image: Symbolic image of the use of artificial intelligence (brain in front of rusting metal) in corrosion research; Copyright: Max-Planck-Institut


Artificial intelligence designs advanced materials


Scientists of the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung pioneer new machine learning model for corrosion-resistant alloy design.
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Image: Light-activatable liquid metal nanostimulant in cancer therapy; Copyright: Eijiro Miyako from JAIST

Eijiro Miyako from JAIST

Cancer photoimmunotherapy: novel liquid metal nanoparticles


JAIST researchers create liquid metal nanoparticles (PEG-IMIQ-LM) for cancer treatment, merging photothermal therapy and immunotherapy. Disintegration delivers immunomodulants and tracks cancer cells in real-time. Immune checkpoint inhibitor enhances cancer removal. Promising for future cancer theranostics, with clinical trials anticipated in a decade.
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Image: PhD student Maja Struczynska with the model of a single fibrinogen molecule; Copyright: Jens Meyer/Uni Jena

Jens Meyer/Uni Jena

Specially coated titanium reduces risk of clots on prostheses


An international research team led by the german University of Jena has now developed a promising approach to significantly reducing blood clotting on the heart valve material titanium.
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Image: Group photo of the project partners in Sevilla / Spain; Copyright: DECHEMA e.V.


Recovery of battery metals - project launch of Metallico


How can battery metals such as lithium, cobalt, copper, manganese and nickel be recycled in a sustainable way? This question is in the focus of the new EU project METALLICO, in which DECHEMA is also involved. 23 partners from nine countries will optimize five innovative processes for the recovery of those metals and subsequently demonstrate these in case studies on an industrially relevant scale.
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Image: Close up: Multisensory stamp and forming parts on a white background; Copyright: Fraunhofer IST

Fraunhofer IST

Multisensory tools for digital process monitoring


The Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST presents innovative solutions for real-time data acquisition directly in the running process.
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Image: Hand with a glove is holding a rectangle chip with the words

Georgia Tech

New ultrafast water disinfection method more environmentally friendly


Having safe drinking water is vital for public health, but traditional methods of disinfection cause their own environmental problems. Chlorine is cheap and easy to use in centralized water systems, but at the expense of harmful chemical byproducts.
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