3D bioprinting technology to be used for removing cancer cells -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

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Microfluidics in diagnostics – Precision in the smallest space


Microfluidics is indispensable for laboratory diagnostics. It helps to simplify processes in the laboratory and to bring results to patients quickly and reliably at the point of care. But in order to deliver precise results, microfluidic chips must also be produced with high precision.
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Image: Edith Perret, woman with lab coat and long blonde hair, sits in a laboratory and smiles at the camera; Copyright: Empa


Smart fibers for precise drug delivery


Local drug delivery over a longer period of time: this is one of the challenges that doctors face when treating wounds and inflammations. Empa researchers have now developed a promising solution: “liquid core fibers” that contain drugs inside them and can deliver them precisely over a longer period of time.
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Image: Various 3D-printed small parts lying on a table; Copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

PolyPrint: better therapies, fewer side effects – 3D printing for individualized medication


The start-up goatAM wants to commercialize 3D printing technology for pharmaceuticals. goatAM CEO Tilmann Spitz and Dr. Julian Quodbach from Utrecht University explain the advantages of the process, why the individual dosing of drugs in 3D printing makes sense and how the properties of the polymers influence the release of the drugs.
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Image: Two men shake hands; Copyright: beta-web GmbH / Messe Düsseldorf

Infusion devices: Small component for more safety - CYTO365 AB


Sometimes the smallest part can have the biggest impact! One such component is the RondelO from the Swedish company CYTO365 AB. The infusion distributor helps hospital staff avoid errors when caring for patients. CEO Micael Törnblom explains how in a COMPAMED interview!
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Image: Image showing the preparation of hydrogels that enhance the viability of NK cells; Copyright: KIMM


3D bioprinting technology to be used for removing cancer cells


KIMM develops the world’s first 3D bioprinting technology that enhances the function of NK immune cells. The new technology is expected to improve effectiveness of cancer treatment.
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Image: Woman with glasses and gray-brown hair, Carole Planchette, stands by a pillar; Copyright: Fotogenia - Renate Trummer

Fotogenia - Renate Trummer

Tissue Engineering: TU Graz revolutionises production of biocompatible microfibres


Using a newly developed method for the efficient and cost-effective production of biocompatible microfibres, the production of autologous skin and organs can be significantly accelerated.
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Image: Novel chitosan particles and encap­sulation technologies; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPK / Larissa Klassen

Fraunhofer IPK / Larissa Klassen

New technologies for producing mRNA-based pharmaceuticals


mRNA-based vaccines have been one of the key elements in the fight against the coronavirus. The technology was originally developed for cancer therapy and can be used to treat many diseases. Together with partners, Fraunhofer IPK is now researching how mRNA therapeutics and other medication can be better produced and more effectively applied.
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Image: Shape of a bird in the center of several concentric shells; Copyright: Kai Melde, MPI for Medical Research

Fraunhofer IWM

Creating 3D objects with sound


Scientists from the Micro, Nano and Molecular Systems Lab at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials at Heidelberg University have created a new technology to assemble matter in 3D. Their concept uses multiple acoustic holograms to generate pressure fields.
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