Using nature’s design principles to create new technology -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Using nature’s design principles to create new technology


Photo: a small green dragonfly is sitting on a small branch; Copyright: PantherMedia / Vladimir Zubkov

Abrupt changes of direction, flying backwards and stopping in mid-air – the dragonfly is also a wonder of nature that bionicists would like to decipher.

Improve use with optimization

Bild: a dark butterfly sitting on a purple flower in the gras; Copyright: PantherMedia / DanitaDelimontMicro

Even darker than this specimen is the butterfly "Common Rose", on whose wings the KIT and Caltech researchers took their cue.

Foto: a white drill on which a black wasp is sitting; Copyright: Fraunhofer IPA

Inspiration and result: The wood wasp’s ovipositor inspired a revolution in the operating room.

Drills and robots: Medical applications

Foto: a small red robot is standing on a green underground and looks like a spider; Copyright: Julien Dupeyroux

Even though it looks like a spider, the robot is modelled on the desert ant. Like the ant, it can also find its way in unknown terrain.

Drills and robots: Medical applications

Image: Outlines of virtual people that can be roughly recognized in purple; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf