Wound dressing with sensor monitors healing process -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Wound dressing with sensor monitors healing process

Interview with Armin Haas, Member of the Executive Board code'n'ground AG, and Professor Kai-Uwe Zirk, Center for Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering at phwt (Private Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik gGmbH)


Image: Smiling man in white shirt with glasses and dark hair - Armin Haas; Copyright: private

Armin Haas

Photo: smiling man with brownish hair - Prof. Kai-Uwe Zirk

Prof. Kai-Uwe Zirk

Image: Wound dressing with sensor and data logger; Copyright: phwt

Wound dressing with sensor and data logger.

Wound care products and exhibitors

Image: Wound dressing on the arm of an elderly person; Copyright: envato/ARTFULLY79
Image: Simone Ernst; Copyright: B. Frommann