Disinfection with light fights viruses and bacteria -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Disinfection with light fights viruses and bacteria

Interview with Dr. Volker Zöllmer and Dr. Claus Schreiner at Fraunhofer IFAM


Image: Smiling man - Claus Schreiner; Copyright: Fraunhofer IFAM

Dr. Claus Schreiner

Image: Smiling man with glasses - Volker Zöllmer; Copyright: Fraunhofer IFAM

Dr. Volker Zöllmer

Image: A container with orange paint into which red pigments are dispersed; Copyright: Fraunhofer IFAM

Photocatalytic coatings reduce the microbacterial load on surfaces. Researchers at Fraunhofer IFAM have now succeeded in developing a new coating material composition which more effectively brings the catalyst together with the microorganisms and accelerates their degradation.

Image: Woman with short hair smiling at the camera - Anne Hofmann; Copyright: Anne Hofmann