Precise positioning: microscope stages with cobalt-samarium coated metal bands -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Precise positioning: microscope stages with cobalt-samarium coated metal bands

Interview with Dr.-Ing. Ralf Bandorf, Group Manager Highly Ionized Plasmas and PECVD, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST


Image: Smiling man with glasses - Ralf Bandorf; Copyright: private

Dr. Ralf Bandorf

Image: a black microscope stage on a white background; Copyright: ITK Dr. Kassen GmbH

Microscope stage with magnetic positioning.

Image: Magnetically coated strip with coding; Copyright: ITK Dr. Kassen GmbH

Magnetically coated strip with coding.

Products and exhibitors

Image: Man looking through a microscope at COMPAMED 2018; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
Image: Simone Ernst; Copyright: B. Frommann