Sustainable medical technology: between dream and reality -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Sustainable medical technology: between dream and reality


Image:a woman pipetting in the laboratory; Copyright: PantherMedia/TONO BALAGUER

Is bioplastics the solution?

Image: Incubator with baby and UV lamp; Copyright: PantherMedia/Stefan Dinse

Plastic is used in many areas of medical technology. Even premature babies come into contact with it. It becomes problematic if it contains substances of concern such as BPA. Consumer protectionists and manufacturers are therefore holding lively discussions about limit values and substitutes.

Sorting waste is not just a job for housewives and househusbands

The three R’s of sustainability

Image: Green logo, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; Copyright: PantherMedia/roxanabalint
Foto: Simone Ernst; Copyright: B. Frommann

© B. Frommann