OLED microdisplays: bright, high-contrast and ultra-low power -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

OLED microdisplays: bright, high-contrast and ultra-low power

Interview with Philipp Wartenberg, Head of Department IC and System Design, Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP


Image: An OLED microdisplay smaller than a fingertip; Copyright: Claudia Jacquemin | Fraunhofer FEP

More than just monochrome: the new ultra-bright and ultra-low-power OLED microdisplays from Fraunhofer FEP.

Products and exhibitors on the topic

Image: White wearable on a wrist; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf
Image: AR glasses; Copyright: westend61

No AR or VR glasses can do without microdisplays. Combined with a camera function or built-in sensors, the displays are also interesting for diagnostics.

Image: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private