Innovation over production – Europe in a balancing act -- COMPAMED Trade Fair

Innovation over production – Europe in a balancing act

Challenges and opportunities for European manufacturers of components for medical technology


Bild: Die Flagge der Europäischen Union; Copyright: Pexels/Alexey Larionov

The EU is focusing on its strengths

Success story from microelectronics

Image: A schematic illustration of how orbital angular momentum currents work; Copyright: Dongwook Go

If the balance of the angular momentum currents is disturbed, for example by an electric current, the change in the movement of electrons (small blue spheres) around atomic nuclei (transparent spheres) will lead to a considerable orbital angular momentum (yellow arrows) and its flow (black line).

Expectations of and opportunities for medical technology suppliers

Products and exhibitors on the topic

Image: Icon SERVICES & ADVICE; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf

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